How do I transfer funds between Fortis Edge Capital accounts and make payments to Fortis Edge Capital loans and credit cards?
To transfer funds between your Fortis Edge Capital accounts or make payments on your Fortis Edge Capital loans:
- In the Navigation menu, click or tap Money Money > Funds Transfer.
- On the Funds Transfer page, do the following:
- In the From drop-down list, select the account from which you want to transfer funds.
- In the To drop-down list, select the account to which you want to transfer funds.
- In the Amount field, enter the amount to transfer.
- (Optional) Select the “Make this a recurring transaction” check box. The Schedule Recurring Transfer fields expand. Click or tap a transaction frequency.
- Select a Start Date and End Date from the calendar, or click or tap Repeat Forever.
- Click or tap the Date field, and then select the date that you want the transfer to occur.
- (Optional) Enter information about the transfer in the Memo field.
- Click or tap Transfer Funds. The Transaction Authorized message appears and confirms that the transfer was processed or will be scheduled to process.
- Click or tap Close to set up another transfer, or click or tap View in Activity Center to review the transfer.