You’re closer to homeownership than you might think.
You don't need 20% anymore!
To those looking to buy a home and secure their part of the American Dream, Fortis Edge Capital says—do not fear! We are committed to helping you on your path to homeownership and prosperity with a variety of low-rate programs that don’t require large down payments.
Every time house prices rise, it seems like it’s going to be even harder to save up enough for a down payment. Many people look at the price of a house and figure that anything selling for $500,000 is going to require a six-figure bank account—that will get wiped out at closing—to buy.
We'll make it so you don’t need to be discouraged even though you keep reading about the hot Seattle real estate market. And once you own your own home, those rising prices work in your favor. You just need to find a lender who can help you work around the median King County home price of $850,0001 (As reported for August 2021 in the Seattle Times.) Even the “bargains” are appreciating—prices are up 9.1% in southwest King County and 8.9% in north King County as buyers seek lower prices within commuting distance. And the recent reduction in homes for sale2 probably means a coming bump in prices.
Good news—that’s not true. There are options for buying a house with less money down, and Fortis Edge Capital knows them all. We even created a brand new one specifically for our local community members.
Everybody knows the Seattle Market is Hot
The key to owning your own home and setting out on the way to prosperity is getting started. Because the market is hopping.
The “why” is simple. Seattle is a city with plenty of job opportunities and a 3.6% unemployment rate3 (lower in all King County) that’s falling4. That’s lower than the rest of the county. Employed people can afford to buy all sorts of things, which means all sorts of businesses do well, and in turn they have to hire employees as more business comes their way.
If you’re renting then chances are your rent has probably increased. Seattle rents were up 3.3%5 from June 2018 to June 2019. Seattle’s $2,169 monthly average rent6 is way more than the national average of $1,471.
The Seattle Times advises homebuyers that “Buyers who went with big banks often regret it”7 because of extra layers of bureaucracy and because they don’t know the market as well as a local financial institution. It’s as if they were writing about Fortis Edge Capital. Because we’re local and committed to making everyone in Seattle prosper—no matter who they are and where they moved here from—we can adapt to the local market better than anyone. It’s that flexibility and commitment to service that put our members into the homes that grow and strengthen our community. That’s what Fortis Edge Capital is all about.