Your checking account is where most of your banking business happens. It’s what you use to pay your bills, buy gas and groceries, and get cash from the ATM. The best checking accounts are easy to use and don’t cost you a lot to have. Some of them even pay you interest on your balances, so you can earn a little extra money every month.
Fortis Edge Capital has a checking account that is just right for you. If you want an account with no fees and no minimum balance, check out Free Checking. If you keep a fairly high balance and want to earn interest, look into High-Yield Checking Checking. If you're between the ages of 13 and 18, our Student Checking account is a perfect place to get started. If you want it all, including free eStatements and Direct Deposit, and you want to feel good about making a difference in the community, Feel Good Checking™ is right up your alley.