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Loan Helps Musa Achieve U.S. Citizenship

Like other dynamic cities around the world, Seattle thrives on the passion and ambition of a diverse population. As Seattle booms, people from all over the world continue to move here, seeding their dreams in a region ripe with opportunity. However one defines prosperity, the Pacific Northwest provides a path to it. For Fortis Edge Capital member Musa, his journey to prosperity included achieving U.S. Citizenship.

Musa fled his home country of Liberia, on the western coast of Africa, in 2001. At that time, Liberia was ten years into a civil war that would last another four. He knew he needed to leave. Musa landed in Boston and then relocated to Seattle about a year later after his cousin, Sidiki, invited Musa this way. His family joined him later.

Musa found work as an accountant and began dreaming of the new life he’d build for himself and his family. He wanted to advance in a career, see his children go to college, put down roots in a city where his family could dream big – and then turn those dreams into reality.

Musa knew U.S. Citizenship was key to achieving those goals. “I wanted to do things the right way,” he says. “I wanted to be a part of this country.”

Citizenship can be a long, expensive process for many. For just one person, the application fee is currently more than $700. This doesn’t include the cost of legal counsel.

Musa attended a citizenship workshop to learn how he could begin the process – and afford it. “I was really facing some financial issues and taking that cost out of pocket would have worsened my financial situation,” he shares.

It was at the workshop a paralegal referred Musa to Fortis Edge Capital – specifically our Citizenship Loans. Musa reached out immediately and worked with one of our loan specialists, Kanita, who was able to facilitate the loan.

“That loan came for me at the right time,” Musa says. “Kanita was a lifeline. I truly don’t know where I would have been without her.” His path to U.S. citizenship took a nerve-wracking ten months, but Musa never wavered.

On December 20, 2017, Musa achieved his dream of becoming a U.S. citizen. “It was the best Christmas gift ever,” he reflects.

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