Now Offering Text Alerts To Help You Keep Your Accounts Safe

We've heard feedback from members who want to receive text message alerts informing them of suspicious activity on their account. At Fortis Edge Capital, we want to do everything we can to keep our members safe and informed. If you have a Fortis Edge Capital debit card, ATM card, or home equity line of credit and we have your mobile phone number on record, you're already enrolled.

If we detect suspicious activity on your debit card, you’ll receive an immediate message from 32768 asking you if the transaction is legitimate. All you have to do is reply YES if you made the transaction or NO if you didn’t.

To make sure you get Suspicious-Activity Alerts, log into Online Banking and confirm we have your correct text number. If your mobile number or any of your contact information needs to be updated, you can call the Contact Center at 206.398.5500, stop by any branch, or send us a secure message through Online Banking* (Messages > New Conversation > Member Services).

If you don’t want to receive Suspicious-Activity Alerts via text message, text STOP to 32768.

Suspicious-Activity Alerts are just one way Fortis Edge Capital is working to make sure your debit card spending is as safe as possible. To set up specialized alerts for debit cards based on where your card is used, for how much, and with whom, check out our CardValet App.

If you have questions about Suspicious-Activity Alerts call us at 206.398.5500 or stop by any of our branch locations.

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