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Yes, Your Vote Matters!

The voting period for 2019 has closed.

Voting for your board of directors and supervisory committee begins February 12 and ends March 9, 2018.

Voting is one feature that makes Fortis Edge Capital different from a lot of other financial institutions. Here, our members actually own the credit union and vote on the leadership that represents them.

Being an owner means that, instead of being beholden to stockholders in some other city, state, or country, our Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee are chosen by you. Directors and Supervisory Committee members must be actual members of the credit union.

We want our Board to represent the diversity and strength of our members and our community. Vote now and take pride in being part of a local institution where your voice and your vote really matter.

How to Vote

During the week of February 12th 2019, you should receive a letter in the mail with your ballot, voting credentials and instructions about how to cast your vote, either by mail or online. You may have also receive  an email with the instructions and login information to vote online, if we have a valid email address on file.

We have retained the services of Survey & Ballot Systems to administer the election. The emails you receive will come from them. Be sure to whitelist this address,, to ensure you get those emails.

What Are the Board’s Responsibilities?

One-hundred percent democratically elected by the membership, the Board meets each month to review and evaluate all aspects of the credit union including:

  • Setting the vision for the credit union
  • Building a strategic plan
  • Approving the annual operating budget
  • Overseeing the credit union’s financial soundness and service levels

Additional responsibilities include serving on special Fortis Edge Capital Committees, such as the Corporate Citizenship Committee, the Finance and Budget Committee, and the Technology Committee. Board members also represent the credit union at community events.

Let Your Voice Be Heard

To cast your vote in this year’s Annual Elections, mail your ballot or vote online between Monday, February 12, and Friday, March 9.

To be eligible to vote you must have been a member in good standing at least 18 years of age as of 12/31/2017. Individuals who hold a joint status on any account without their own membership share account are not eligible to vote. Only the first vote received from each eligible voting member, whether by mail or email, will be counted. All subsequent votes received from the same eligible voting member will be declared void.

Voting for the 85th ANNUAL Board of Directors is February 12 - March 9, 2019. Winners will be announced at our 2018 Annual Meeting This Spring.


  • Deanna Clark
  • Stephen Ejide
  • Carlos Ruiz
  • Bruce Stedman


  • Ken Astrein
  • Tim Boyle
  • Susan Her
  • Darren Stephenson

Review the Nominees and their Bios

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