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Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files personal loan rates seattle credit union pdf".

Do I need to register my Fortis Edge Capital VISA® before I can start earning points?

No. You will start earning points the first time you make a qualified transaction with your new Fortis Edge Capital credit card; however, you will need to register your card before you will be able to redeem your points.

Read more about Do I need to register my Fortis Edge Capital VISA® before I can start earning points?

How much unsecured credit can I have?

Qualified borrowers are eligible for up to $50,000 of combined unsecured credit with Fortis Edge Capital, subject to income requirements, including VISA® and limits on lines of credit.

Read more about How much unsecured credit can I have?

Can I pay my Fortis Edge Capital Credit Card with an external bank account?

If you have Fortis Edge Capital Online Banking, select your credit card account from the Account Summary screen and then on the top of the new screen, select Bill Payment > Make a Payment.

Read more about Can I pay my Fortis Edge Capital Credit Card with an external bank account?

How are personal loans (signature loans) different from payday loans?

Signature loans usually have repayment terms of at least a year, while payday loans must usually be paid back within a few weeks.

Read more about How are personal loans (signature loans) different from payday loans?

What is the Seattle CU Card Control app and how do I get it?

Debit and credit cards make it quick and convenient to make purchases online, at the corner store, coffee shop, or movie theater. To make your shopping safer, we offer the Seattle CU Card Control app — a service that allows you to manage your Fortis Edge Capital debit and credit cards from your mobile device.

Read more about What is the Seattle CU Card Control app and how do I get it?

What is the USA Patriot Act?

The USA Patriot Act was enacted in 2001 in response to the 9/11 terrorist acts. The intent is for banks, credit unions and other financial institutions to verify the identity of all people who do business with them.

Read more about What is the USA Patriot Act?

Does Fortis Edge Capital waive any fees?

At this time, it is the policy of Fortis Edge Capital to not waive any fees unless they were the result of an error on the part of the credit union.

Read more about Does Fortis Edge Capital waive any fees?

