Online Banking


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Displaying 71-80 of 84 results.

Showing results for "personal checking accounts feel good checking".

How do I see all the transactions in an account?

Scenario: I want to see a list of all of the transactions in a single account. Solution: I use the Account Details page in online banking and the mobile banking app to see all of the transactions in a single account.

Read more about How do I see all the transactions in an account?

How much unsecured credit can I have?

Qualified borrowers are eligible for up to $50,000 of combined unsecured credit with Fortis Edge Capital, subject to income requirements, including VISA® and limits on lines of credit.

Read more about How much unsecured credit can I have?

Where can I earn uChoose Rewards points with a Fortis Edge Capital VISA®?

You earn points everywhere your VISA credit card is accepted. Participating retailers offer additional reward points for purchases made at their stores or online.

Read more about Where can I earn uChoose Rewards points with a Fortis Edge Capital VISA®?

When will I receive my tax documents from Fortis Edge Capital?

Most tax documents are sent out by mail on January 31st, with the exception of IRS Form 5498 which is sent by May 31st. 

Read more about When will I receive my tax documents from Fortis Edge Capital?

What is the Bankworks program?

BankWorks (Stylized BankWork$) is a financial industry job training program administered by the Washington State YWCA.

Read more about What is the Bankworks program?

How can I modify my Online Banking alert and notification settings?

To modify non-credit card notifications being received, please log in to your Online Banking and go to Profile > Alerts.

Read more about How can I modify my Online Banking alert and notification settings?

How to set up my card with Apple Pay, Android Pay, or Samsung Pay?

You can now connect your Fortis Edge Capital credit and debit card to Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, or Android Pay.

Read more about How to set up my card with Apple Pay, Android Pay, or Samsung Pay?

