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Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files business truth in savings transactions disclosure seattle credit union pdf".
There are several methods for setting up automatic payments. We have the Bill Pay option that allows flexibility for members to choose dates and amount for payments being made to external bank accounts, loans, bills, and individuals.
Read more about How do I set up an automatic payment?
You receive an official-looking notification that you’ve won a lottery or sweepstakes. You are provided with a check that represents a portion of your winnings. The check may appear to be a cashier’s check, an official check, or a check drawn on a business account. Then you are instructed to wire funds to cover taxes, insurance, and/or other fees.
Read more about What is the "Lottery/Sweepstakes Scam"?
When you search for a location, your browser or device may ask for permission to access location information. If your location is available, branches or ATMs are sorted by their distance from you. If your location is not available, a default list of branches and ATMs appears.
Read more about How do I find a branch or ATM?