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How do I change where I receive my Secure Access Code?

Your secure delivery contact information includes phone numbers, text numbers, and email addresses where you can choose to receive your Secure Access Code when logging in from an unregistered device.

Read more about How do I change where I receive my Secure Access Code?

Want to work with us? See Current Openings.

At Fortis Edge Capital, we understand how valuable our employees are to the success of the credit union. After all, it is our staff members who directly provide the excellent service our membership expects and deserves.

Read more about Want to work with us? See Current Openings.

How do I view and print a check image?

Scenario: I’m not sure that I recorded a check correctly. I want to look at the check image to compare it to my records. I know the check number. I use the Account Activity page to find the check and look at the check image.

Read more about How do I view and print a check image?

How do I add or remove joints and beneficiaries?

Adding or removing a beneficiary can be done remotely or in branch. Going into a branch is probably the easiest method, as long as you and all other signers can be present at the same time. 

Read more about How do I add or remove joints and beneficiaries?

How do I rename my accounts?

In order to change the account names themselves, please log in to your online banking, select the account, and then click on the "Change" link next to the account nickname in the Account Details section on the right side of the screen.

Read more about How do I rename my accounts?

How do I filter transactions using Account Activity?

On the Account Activity page, you can filter transactions using More Search Options.

Read more about How do I filter transactions using Account Activity?

Do you have a student checking account?

Yes, to help parents give their children a head start, Fortis Edge Capital offers Student Checking, a full-featured checking account for members 13 through 18 years old that teaches students to set and stick to a budget before they leave home.

Read more about Do you have a student checking account?

Who can contribute to my Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?

Anyone under the age of 70½ who has income from compensation (or who is filing jointly with a spouse who earns compensation).

Read more about Who can contribute to my Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?

Where can I view my VISA Statement?

A paper version of your Fortis Edge Capital VISA statement will be mailed to the address you provided when opening your VISA account.

Read more about Where can I view my VISA Statement?

How do I create an alert?

When you create an alert, it takes effect immediately and stays in effect until you disable or delete it.

Read more about How do I create an alert?

