Online Banking


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What are the hardware and software requirements to use Fortis Edge Capital's Online Banking?

We suggest using use the recommended hardware and software for Online Banking and the mobile banking app. For the latest information about the hardware and software requirements, please contact us

Read more about What are the hardware and software requirements to use Fortis Edge Capital's Online Banking?

How do I make advances (draw money) from my line of credit (LOC)?

You can make an advance directly into your Fortis Edge Capital checking or savings account through Online Banking. You can call our Contact Center and request an advance.

Read more about How do I make advances (draw money) from my line of credit (LOC)?

How do I log into Online Banking for the first time?

Fortis Edge Capital members who have not previously enrolled in Online Banking can follow the steps below to log in for the first time:

Read more about How do I log into Online Banking for the first time?

Can I have my loan payment come automatically from my checking or savings account?

Of course. If your accounts are at Fortis Edge Capital, you can set up automatic transfers to your loan through our free Online Banking or by talking to a branch representative.

Read more about Can I have my loan payment come automatically from my checking or savings account?

Can I share uChoose Rewards points with family members?

All Fortis Edge Capital VISA® credit cards on the same account automatically earn points together in a single pool that any of the cardholders can access. 

Read more about Can I share uChoose Rewards points with family members?

Want to work with us? See Current Openings.

At Fortis Edge Capital, we understand how valuable our employees are to the success of the credit union. After all, it is our staff members who directly provide the excellent service our membership expects and deserves.

Read more about Want to work with us? See Current Openings.

What are "Shared Branches"?

Shared Branching is a national network of credit unions from all over the country that share facilities to give members thousands of convenient locations to perform transactions just as if they were at their home credit union.

Read more about What are "Shared Branches"?

Does Fortis Edge Capital have coin counters at its branches?

At this time, our branches do not carry coin counters. We do accept rolled coins and can provide complimentary coin roll wrappers for our members.

Read more about Does Fortis Edge Capital have coin counters at its branches?

Will all merchants be able to accept my EMV (chip) Fortis Edge Capital VISA® card?

Yes. Your card will be accepted at all merchant locations that accept VISA. Many merchants are still using the old magnetic strip, which your new card will still have. Increasingly, more merchants will begin to use the new EMV technology that your new card will also support.

Read more about Will all merchants be able to accept my EMV (chip) Fortis Edge Capital VISA® card?

