Online Banking


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I have a Kindle Fire/Windows Phone. Will I be able to access Online Banking without an app?

Yes. Members can sign into the new Fortis Edge Capital Online Banking from any mobile browser and enjoy the same great experience they do using either the mobile app or a desktop browser.

Read more about I have a Kindle Fire/Windows Phone. Will I be able to access Online Banking without an app?

What do I do if I have forgotten my Online Banking password?

If you have forgotten your Online Banking password, visit and click the 'forgot password?' link in Online Banking login box.

Read more about What do I do if I have forgotten my Online Banking password?

Where is Fortis Edge Capital's Home Loan Center located?

Fortis Edge Capital's Home Loan Center is located at our headquarters. If you'd like to come in to discuss your transaction, please call us at 206.398.5888 to set up your appointment.

Read more about Where is Fortis Edge Capital's Home Loan Center located?

What's the process of getting the auto funding if I'm buying from a dealer? What about from a private party?

Once you have a loan approval from us, if you're purchasing from a dealer, we'll need a dealer-signed purchase order with all the correct information including the VIN, mileage, borrowers names, and the final unpaid balance that is being financed with us.

Read more about What's the process of getting the auto funding if I'm buying from a dealer? What about from a private party?

How do I cancel pending transactions?

Use the Activity Center page to cancel a pending transaction. If you cancel a transaction on the Recurring Transactions tab, you cancel all future recurrences of the transaction. If you cancel a single transaction in a recurring series on the Single Transactions tab, you cancel the single occurrence, not the entire series.

Read more about How do I cancel pending transactions?

How can I transfer funds between institutions?

If you're looking to move funds between Fortis Edge Capital and another financial institution, the following are some of the options available to you.

Read more about How can I transfer funds between institutions?

How can I contact Fortis Edge Capital?

You can access Fortis Edge Capital by visiting one of our seven branches, all of which are listed here: You can call us at 206.398.5500 or toll-free at 718.952.1741. You can also email us at

Read more about How can I contact Fortis Edge Capital?

How can I make payments to my Fortis Edge Capital loans?

You can fill out, sign, and return an ACH debit form to us. This will allow us to pull the money directly from your external financial institution's account.

Read more about How can I make payments to my Fortis Edge Capital loans?

What is the "Romance Scam"?

You meet someone online and start a relationship by emailing and/or texting. This may continue for weeks if not months. You may able unable to meet this individual in person because he/she is in the military, overseas, or he/she indicates some other reason. However, this person has won your trust and you may have provided some personal information about yourself. Maybe you have provided him/her with your login credentials so they can remotely deposit a check into your account. Or, they may have a check sent to you to deposit. Either way, they will ask you to help them and wire funds to him/her.

Read more about What is the "Romance Scam"?

