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Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files business truth in savings transactions disclosure seattle credit union pdf".
Use the Activity Center page to cancel a pending transaction. If you cancel a transaction on the Recurring Transactions tab, you cancel all future recurrences of the transaction. If you cancel a single transaction in a recurring series on the Single Transactions tab, you cancel the single occurrence, not the entire series.
Read more about How do I cancel pending transactions?
You meet someone online and start a relationship by emailing and/or texting. This may continue for weeks if not months. You may able unable to meet this individual in person because he/she is in the military, overseas, or he/she indicates some other reason. However, this person has won your trust and you may have provided some personal information about yourself. Maybe you have provided him/her with your login credentials so they can remotely deposit a check into your account. Or, they may have a check sent to you to deposit. Either way, they will ask you to help them and wire funds to him/her.
Read more about What is the "Romance Scam"?