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Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files board application seattle credit union pdf".

Who can contribute to my Traditional IRA?

Here is a list of the following individuals that can contribute to a Traditional IRA.

Read more about Who can contribute to my Traditional IRA?

How can I check the balance in my checking account?

You can check your balance 24 hours a day through our automated teller, and through Online Banking.

Read more about How can I check the balance in my checking account?

How much money do I need for a down payment for a mortgage?

Down payment requirements will vary based on the mortgage program you are interested in and your individual financial situation.

Read more about How much money do I need for a down payment for a mortgage?

What is Feel Good Checking?

Feel Good Checking is a checking account that earns 6.14% APY1 on the first $500.

Read more about What is Feel Good Checking?

How do I register a browser or device?

A conventional authentication system relies on two forms of identification to prove your identity: your login ID and your password.

Read more about How do I register a browser or device?

What is the "Mystery Shopper Scam"?

Here is the breakdown of the Mystery Shopper Scam and ways you can recognize one.

Read more about What is the "Mystery Shopper Scam"?

When is your next Shred Day?

Our Shred day for this year might not have been announced yet, but it is most often held in the spring.

Read more about When is your next Shred Day?

What is the "Car Wrap Scam"?

The Scam: You respond to an advertisement, or you are solicited to earn extra cash having your car “wrapped” as an advertisement for a business or product. You receive a check to cover your payment as well as the cost of wrapping the car with the brand’s logo. You will be instructed where to wire the funds for payment to the company who will supposedly wrap your vehicle.

Read more about What is the "Car Wrap Scam"?

How do I export transactions?

You can export transactions from the Account Details page to a file format that you select. Export formats will vary depending on the settings. Currently, you can only export in Online Banking.

Read more about How do I export transactions?

How do I create an alert?

When you create an alert, it takes effect immediately and stays in effect until you disable or delete it.

Read more about How do I create an alert?

