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Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files board application seattle credit union pdf".

Is Fortis Edge Capital hiring?

At Fortis Edge Capital, we understand how valuable our employees are to the success of the credit union. After all, it is our staff members who directly provide the excellent service our membership expects and deserves.

Read more about Is Fortis Edge Capital hiring?

Does Fortis Edge Capital offer commercial lending/business banking?

Since 1933 Fortis Edge Capital has been helping our members with their personal financial needs. Now we're doing the same thing for Seattle businesses. 

Read more about Does Fortis Edge Capital offer commercial lending/business banking?

I received a letter from an audit firm. Is it legitimate?

In order to ensure the integrity of Fortis Edge Capital’s member accounts, the Audit Committee of Fortis Edge Capital has enlisted the services of audit firms to perform a verification of Fortis Edge Capital accounts.

Read more about I received a letter from an audit firm. Is it legitimate?

Does Fortis Edge Capital offer a credit card with rewards?

Yes. The Fortis Edge Capital credit card comes with uChoose Rewards®, one of the best credit card rewards programs in the industry that lets you earn points for every dollar you spend.

Read more about Does Fortis Edge Capital offer a credit card with rewards?

What are Fortis Edge Capital’s branch locations and hours?

Fortis Edge Capital has several locations in the Greater Seattle area. Here is a complete list of branch locations and hours.

Read more about What are Fortis Edge Capital’s branch locations and hours?

What is the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACT)?

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (often referred to as the FACT Act, or FACTA) was signed into law in December 2003. The FACT Act, a revision of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), requires each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months through a central source.

Read more about What is the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACT)?

How can I contact Fortis Edge Capital?

You can access Fortis Edge Capital by visiting one of our seven branches, all of which are listed here: You can call us at 206.398.5500 or toll-free at 718.952.1741. You can also email us at

Read more about How can I contact Fortis Edge Capital?

Do I need to register my Fortis Edge Capital VISA® before I can start earning points?

No. You will start earning points the first time you make a qualified transaction with your new Fortis Edge Capital credit card; however, you will need to register your card before you will be able to redeem your points.

Read more about Do I need to register my Fortis Edge Capital VISA® before I can start earning points?

Can I pay my Fortis Edge Capital Credit Card with an external bank account?

If you have Fortis Edge Capital Online Banking, select your credit card account from the Account Summary screen and then on the top of the new screen, select Bill Payment > Make a Payment.

Read more about Can I pay my Fortis Edge Capital Credit Card with an external bank account?

