How to use text banking?
To use Text Banking, you send a text message to 74626 with a command. When the action is complete, the text message reply includes the information or the results of the action. Supported mobile carriers are AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile®, Cricket, Sprint, MetroPCS, Virgin Mobile & Boost.
Caution: When you send or receive a text banking message, normal text message and data rates apply.
Select Profile > Profile Updates > Text Banking > Register Phone Number to get started.
After registering your phone number, go to Profile > Profile Updates > Text Banking > Mobile Nicknames to select the accounts and account nicknames you would like to use for text banking.
Text Banking supports the following commands. Note: The commands are not case sensitive. Texting uses your wireless phone's texting capabilities. Standard text messaging rates may apply. Check with your mobile service provider for fees and charges.
• bal - returns the balance on your primary checking or savings account.
When you create short nicknames for text banking, you can use the short nicknames with the balance command to find the balance of any account such as:
bal <nickname>
For example, if you gave a nickname to your checking account as chk, you could text
bal chk
to get the balance information.
Texting the command
bal all
will return the available balance of all your accounts.
• hist - returns the history with last 5 transactions of your primary account
The short nicknames can be applied to the command as
hist <nickname>
For example, if you gave a nickname of chk to your checking account, you could use
hist chk
• more - The more command is used with the hist command. When you request the history of an account by texting hist, it returns with the last 5 transactions. To get the next 5 transactions, simply text more. Texting more again will return the next 5 transactions and so on until there are no additional transactions available on your account.
• nick - returns a list of all your account nicknames.
• help - returns a list of all commands.
• stop - this command will unsubscribe the phone from Text Banking.
Text Banking FAQ
What is Text Banking?
Text Banking is an easy, fast and secure way of banking while using the texting capabilities of your mobile phone. With Text Banking, you can find out the balance and transactions of your accounts on the go, just by texting.
What do I need to do to get started with Text Banking?
You will need to first enroll in Text Banking using a desktop browser, a mobile browser, or the Fortis Edge Capital mobile app. Go to Profile > Profile Updates > Text Banking > Register Phone Number to get started. You will need a mobile phone with texting capabilities. Standard messaging and data rates may apply.
Is the mobile Text Banking free?
The Text Banking is free to enroll and use, however, your mobile wireless carrier may charge you standard data and messaging rates. Please contact your mobile wireless carrier for messaging and data rates.
What are the commands for Text Banking?
The commands for Text Banking are: bal, hist, more, nick, help and stop. The details of each command are available in the help content above.
Do I need to create short nicknames to use with Text Banking?
Yes, you do need to create short nicknames to use with Text Banking. It is a lot easier to request the balance of a specific account with short nicknames and makes the reply shorter.
Do I have to text the commands in all CAPS?
No, the commands are not case sensitive. You can text BAL, Bal, or bal which would all mean the balance command.
Is Text Banking secure?
We do not transfer any account numbers, password or such sensitive information. The phone is assumed to be secure with the owner and it is the owner's responsibility to lock the phone for privacy. The balance and transaction history being returned from your account will remain in your messaging history until deleted.
How can I remove a phone from Text Banking?
You can remove a phone from Text Banking by two methods:
a) Texting back stop will remove the phone from Text Banking, or
b) From Online (desktop) or from mobile (browser or app), go to the Text Banking screen from Customer Service. Delete the phone number you wish to remove from Text Banking.
Note that you will need to enroll the phone number again the next time you want to use that phone for Text Banking.
If you have any further questions about this, call us at 206.398.5500 or send us a message.