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Displaying 31-40 of 74 results.

Showing results for "bill pay".

How can I make payments to my Fortis Edge Capital loans?

You can fill out, sign, and return an ACH debit form to us. This will allow us to pull the money directly from your external financial institution's account.

Read more about How can I make payments to my Fortis Edge Capital loans?

How do I create Bill Pay alerts?

Log In to Online Banking, Click Settings and Alerts, Click the ‘New Alert’ dropdown in the upper right-hand corner.

Read more about How do I create Bill Pay alerts?

How much money do I need for a down payment for a mortgage?

Down payment requirements will vary based on the mortgage program you are interested in and your individual financial situation.

Read more about How much money do I need for a down payment for a mortgage?

What is a debt consolidation loan?

The goal of a debt consolidation loan is to pay other debts in order to reduce the amount of interest or total payments you are making each month.

Read more about What is a debt consolidation loan?

What is an EMV chip?

EMV stands for Europay, Mastercard®, and VISA®. EMV chip technology is becoming the global standard for credit card and debit card payments. 

Read more about What is an EMV chip?

Does Fortis Edge Capital Offer Auto Loans?

Your car loan is one of your biggest monthly expenses. Why pay more than you have to? Thanks to Fortis Edge Capital's low interest rates, you could cut your monthly car payment and save hundreds of dollars or more over the course of a year. It takes just a few minutes to complete an application.


Read more about Does Fortis Edge Capital Offer Auto Loans?

Does Fortis Edge Capital offer checking accounts?

Fortis Edge Capital has the checking account you need with all the features you want, and you won't pay gigantic monthly maintenance fees or have to jump through a bunch of hoops to use your money.

Read more about Does Fortis Edge Capital offer checking accounts?

