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Showing results for "personal checking accounts feel good checking".

What is Feel Good Checking?

Feel Good Checking is a checking account that earns 6.14% APY1 on the first $500.

Read more about What is Feel Good Checking?

Is there a limit to the number of electronic transfers I can make from my savings account?

Seattle Credit Union limits the number of pre-authorized, electronic, or automatic transfers or debits out of a savings deposit account to six (6) transactions per month. There will be an Excessive Transfer Fee of $20 on all transfers and withdrawals exceeding the six (6) monthly permitted.

Read more about Is there a limit to the number of electronic transfers I can make from my savings account?

What are the minimum balances for my depository accounts?

For information on the minimum balance required to open and avoid maintenance fees on your Fortis Edge Capital accounts, please see Checking Accounts and the Savings and Certificates page for checking and saving, respectively.

Read more about What are the minimum balances for my depository accounts?

How do I see the balances for all my accounts?

Scenario: I want to see balances for all of my accounts. Solution: I use the Home page to view all of my accounts. The Home page includes summary information for all of my accounts.

Read more about How do I see the balances for all my accounts?

Does Fortis Edge Capital offer checking accounts?

Fortis Edge Capital has the checking account you need with all the features you want, and you won't pay gigantic monthly maintenance fees or have to jump through a bunch of hoops to use your money.

Read more about Does Fortis Edge Capital offer checking accounts?

Do you have a student checking account?

Yes, to help parents give their children a head start, Fortis Edge Capital offers Student Checking, a full-featured checking account for members 13 through 18 years old that teaches students to set and stick to a budget before they leave home.

Read more about Do you have a student checking account?

