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Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files board application seattle credit union pdf".

How do I search for a Bill Pay payment?

You can search for a pending or completed bill payment on the Bill Pay page.

Read more about How do I search for a Bill Pay payment?

How do I configure a mobile authorization code?

You can use a mobile authorization code (MAC) to approve a Commercial transaction in a telephone call. We can send authorization requests to you at an email address, a telephone number, or both.

Read more about How do I configure a mobile authorization code?

Lost or Stolen Card

Credit Cards: 855.609.3580 or 540.707.4027 if outside the U.S.
Debit Cards/ATM Cards: 800.472.3272

Read more about Lost or Stolen Card

What is a home equity loan?

Equity represents the difference between what your home is worth and how much you owe on it. A home equity loan or home equity line of credit allows you to borrow money against the equity you have in your home.

Read more about What is a home equity loan?

How do I close my account?

We’re sad to see you go, but the process is fairly simple. 

Read more about How do I close my account?

Can I convert my Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA?

You can convert Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA as long as your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) does not exceed $100,000 (single or join filers) in the year of the conversion.

Read more about Can I convert my Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA?

Financial Planning Calculators (Auto, Home, Loan, Savings, and Retirement)

Financial planning calculators for estimating upcoming loans including auto, home, loan, savings, and retirement.

Read more about Financial Planning Calculators (Auto, Home, Loan, Savings, and Retirement)

How do I view and print a check image?

Scenario: I’m not sure that I recorded a check correctly. I want to look at the check image to compare it to my records. I know the check number. I use the Account Activity page to find the check and look at the check image.

Read more about How do I view and print a check image?

What's the process of getting the auto funding if I'm buying from a dealer? What about from a private party?

Once you have a loan approval from us, if you're purchasing from a dealer, we'll need a dealer-signed purchase order with all the correct information including the VIN, mileage, borrowers names, and the final unpaid balance that is being financed with us.

Read more about What's the process of getting the auto funding if I'm buying from a dealer? What about from a private party?

