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Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files business truth in savings transactions disclosure seattle credit union pdf".

I think I might be the victim of fraud or a scam.

If you're concerned that your financial information and security might have been compromised, or are concerned that you have been the victim of a scam, please call in to our member service team.

Read more about I think I might be the victim of fraud or a scam.

When am I required to begin taking distributions from a Traditional IRA?

You are required to begin taking distribution from a Traditinal IRA by April 1st of the year about you turn 70 1/2.

Read more about When am I required to begin taking distributions from a Traditional IRA?

How do I reset a forgotten password?

If you forget your password and your account is not locked, you can use the Forgot Your Password option on the Login page to reset your password. Depending on the configuration, you may not be able to reset your password from an unregistered browser.

Read more about How do I reset a forgotten password?

Who is Tony Marino?

Tony Marino is the Founder of Fortis Edge Capital.

Read more about Who is Tony Marino?

How to enable four-digit passcodes.

Here are the step-by-step directions to enable four-digit passcodes.

Read more about How to enable four-digit passcodes.

How long do I have to pay off any advances on my line of credit (LOC)?

If you pay only the minimum payment required each month, it will typically take you around four years to pay off your balance, assuming you don’t make additional advances.

Read more about How long do I have to pay off any advances on my line of credit (LOC)?

What is the maximum amount guaranteed to be protected By NCUA?

Per the information at the official website of the NCUA; Your accounts are insured up to $250,000 per account owner, per credit union, for each account ownership category.

Read more about What is the maximum amount guaranteed to be protected By NCUA?

How do I register a Fortis Edge Capital VISA gift card?

Have you received a VISA gift card from Fortis Edge Capital? Registering a gift card is a smart idea because if the card is lost or stolen with a balance remaining, you can cancel the card and order a replacement.

Register your Gift Card here or call 866.902.6082.

Read more about How do I register a Fortis Edge Capital VISA gift card?

How do I create Bill Pay alerts?

Log In to Online Banking, Click Settings and Alerts, Click the ‘New Alert’ dropdown in the upper right-hand corner.

Read more about How do I create Bill Pay alerts?

How can I change my password?

If you are not signed in, select 'Forgot Password?' on the login screen. If you are logged in to Online Banking, go to Profile > Profile Updates > Password

Read more about How can I change my password?

