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Showing results for "personal loans citizenship loans".
Because some steps in the funding process happen quickly, but others can be subject to scheduling concerns and the volume of loans in process, the time it takes to fund a home equity loan can vary. Your loan representative will be able to give you an estimated timeline as you move through the process.
Read more about How long will it take to fund my home equity loan?
You meet someone online and start a relationship by emailing and/or texting. This may continue for weeks if not months. You may able unable to meet this individual in person because he/she is in the military, overseas, or he/she indicates some other reason. However, this person has won your trust and you may have provided some personal information about yourself. Maybe you have provided him/her with your login credentials so they can remotely deposit a check into your account. Or, they may have a check sent to you to deposit. Either way, they will ask you to help them and wire funds to him/her.
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