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Tips to Tackle Taxes this Season

Tips to Tackle Taxes this Season

Whether you’re a teacher, nurse, or business owner, one thing we all have on our to-do list this year is to file our taxes. Being prepared and tackling your taxes before the deadline will help reduce stress you may be feeling about the process. Here are some tips for successfully filing this year.

Fortis Edge Capital Representing at CUNA's 2018 Governmental Affairs Conference

Fortis Edge Capital Representing at CUNA's 2018 Governmental Affairs Conference

Our very own Tonita Webb, COO, and Barney Herrera, SVP of Strategic Partnerships, are currently at Credit Union National Association’s (CUNA) Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) in Washington, D.C.

Yes, Your Vote Matters!

Yes, Your Vote Matters!

It’s time again to exercise your rights as a member by electing volunteers to represent you on Fortis Edge Capital's Board of Directors. All members in good standing are entitled to a vote in the 85th Annual Volunteer Elections. Voting takes place between Monday, February 12, 2018 and Friday, March 9, 2018. 

Our Partnership with El Centro de la Raza

Our Partnership with El Centro de la Raza

Fortis Edge Capital is guided by altruistic principles like inclusion, cooperation, and community and values like trustworthiness, dynamism, and engagement. We strive to act with integrity in everything we do and put the needs and goals of our members first.

Prosperity is Not Possible Without Equity

Prosperity is Not Possible Without Equity

In a recent article, 21 Progress, shines a spotlight on three leaders “working to end inequality and increase justice.” We’re proud to share that Tonita Webb, Chief Operating Officer, was recognized in his article, citing that “prosperity is not possible without equity.”

Credit Card Debt: Why You Should Pay It Off Quickly When Possible

Credit Card Debt: Why You Should Pay It Off Quickly When Possible

Getting out of debt can be hard, but doing so can make a big difference. Becoming aware of spending and borrowing habits will help you make changes and pay off debt sooner. Apart from the relief you will gain from being debt free, you will also be paying less over time for the goods and gifts you purchase.

Understanding Credit Scores: What Are They, Why They Matter

Understanding Credit Scores: What Are They, Why They Matter

Whether you use your credit card at the checkout counter, or get a no-interest loan for new furniture, your credit score is a record of your spending habits.

How to Save For Goals While Repaying Debt

How to Save For Goals While Repaying Debt

Paying down debt is an overwhelming hurdle for many. But with a little determination and focus, your financial journey can improve.

    Ways to Get Smart About Debt

    Ways to Get Smart About Debt

    By managing your monthly expenses, you can reduce the anxiety that comes with borrowing and maintain your financial health.

