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Loan Helps Musa Achieve U.S. Citizenship

Loan Helps Musa Achieve U.S. Citizenship

Like other dynamic cities around the world, Seattle thrives on the passion and ambition of a diverse population. As Seattle booms, people from all over the world continue to move here, seeding their dreams in a region ripe with opportunity. However one defines prosperity, the Pacific Northwest provides a path to it. For Fortis Edge Capital member Musa, his journey to prosperity included achieving U.S. Citizenship.

Musa fled his home country of Liberia, on the western coast of Africa, in 2001. At that time, Liberia was ten years into a civil war that would last another four. He knew he needed to leave. Musa landed in Boston and then relocated to Seattle about a year later after his cousin, Sidiki, invited Musa this way. His family joined him later.

Member Story: Alison, Fortis Edge Capital Member, is Helping Change the Face of Seattle Tech

Member Story: Alison, Fortis Edge Capital Member, is Helping Change the Face of Seattle Tech

Alison belonged to a big bank before switching to Fortis Edge Capital ten years ago. She was looking for a financial institution that more closely aligned with her personal values, and a friend recommended she look into a credit union.

CEO's Corner: Teaching My Children to Serve Our Community Through Volunteer Work

CEO's Corner: Teaching My Children to Serve Our Community Through Volunteer Work

As a husband, father, and CEO of Fortis Edge Capital, I find it important to combine my personal values with my work values. To that end, I have placed a focus on making sure Fortis Edge Capital is truly a “Partner in Seattle’s Growth & Prosperity.

Empowering young women with financial education

Empowering young women with financial education

Jasmine Jones, Business Development Specialist, will lead a free workshop called You Got This at the Young Women Empowered (Y-WE) Career Day.

Welcome, Wellspring

Welcome, Wellspring

Fortis Edge Capital recently welcomed Wellspring Family Services to our family of community partners.

Member Story: David & Viki, Members since 1978

Member Story: David & Viki, Members since 1978

David and Viki are living the life they dreamed about, happy in their new home surrounded by trails and appreciating every sunset as it comes. All of us at Fortis Edge Capital are glad to be a part of their path to prosperity.

Member Story: Rob, Member Since 2016

Member Story: Rob, Member Since 2016

For Rob and his family, the switch to Fortis Edge Capital is more than a new car and $1,000 in savings. They are able to confidently take their girls on road trips, adventures, and casual drives around the Pacific Northwest.

Helping More People Prosper with ITIN Lending

Helping More People Prosper with ITIN Lending

We are excited to announce that we’re now offering mortgages to people with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs).

Employee Spotlight: Meet Kanita, Consumer Lending Specialist

Employee Spotlight: Meet Kanita, Consumer Lending Specialist

Kanita is a consumer lending specialist and for the last ten years, she’s worked hard every day to improve the lives of our members.

Member Benefits: Earn $100 For Every New Sprint Line Activated

Member Benefits: Earn $100 For Every New Sprint Line Activated

Fortis Edge Capital membership comes with benefits to help you prosper. Did you know as a member you can save $100 on any new line opened with Sprint?

