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Homeownership: You Might Be Closer Than You Think

Homeownership: You Might Be Closer Than You Think

Whether it’s your first or your next, home ownership is a big milestone for anyone. In a hot housing market like Seattle, the entire process – researching, shopping, financing, and moving in – can feel overwhelming. Sometimes, the hardest part is getting started. 

You're Invited to the 2019 Fortis Edge Capital Annual Meeting

You're Invited to the 2019 Fortis Edge Capital Annual Meeting

Join Fortis Edge Capital for the 2019 Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March 27, at our headquarters in Downtown Seattle. The Annual Meeting is an opportunity for you, as a member-owner, to learn about the performance and strategic direction of your financial cooperative. It is also your chance to bring questions and suggestions directly to the Fortis Edge Capital Board of Directors.

Member Story: Sherryl

Member Story: Sherryl

Sherryl knows better than most just how many curve balls life can throw your way. A Seattle native, she’s spent the last few years juggling a business, managing a family, and overseeing rental properties.

How to Avoid Overdraft Fees

How to Avoid Overdraft Fees

Whenever you make a payment from your checking account, it’s a good idea to have enough funds in your account to cover it to avoid overdraft fees and returned payments. Here are some strategies that can help you do that.

Member Story: Meet Veronica

Member Story: Meet Veronica

Veronica always dreamed of being her own boss and she knew she had the smarts, drive, and discipline to be successful. With her mom’s help, Veronica opened her first hot dog cart and named it Charlie’s Dog House, after her Yorkshire Terrier.

Member Story: Debra

Member Story: Debra

“I always remember dates. The moments my life changed.” For member Debra, April 9, 2009 is one of those dates. It’s the day she got clean.

Ways to Stay Afloat Financially During the Government Shutdown

Ways to Stay Afloat Financially During the Government Shutdown

As the government shutdown continues, we know some of our members are struggling to make it between paychecks. At Fortis Edge Capital, we don’t want unexpected events to wreak havoc on your short-term finances. That’s why our approach to banking – from our products to our customer service – is designed to help you weather life’s storms. 

Top 4 Financial Resolutions

Top 4 Financial Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions. Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, the start of a new year often inspires reflection. What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to improve upon or change?

7 Online & Offline Places to Sell Clothes

7 Online & Offline Places to Sell Clothes

Whether you're looking to clean up or re-organize your closet, people are always looking to sell off used clothes. Below are some ways to shrink your home inventory and pad your pocketbook at the same time.

Passport Tips For International Travel

Passport Tips For International Travel

Before you take off on an international trip, remember to double-check your passport. Do you have one? Has it expired? Be sure to plan ahead, since U.S. Passports applications and renewals can take 16 weeks to process.

