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Call for Nominees: Join Our Board

Call for Nominees: Join Our Board

We’re looking for talented, experienced leaders for Board and Audit Committee positions who will provide governance in shaping the future of this dynamic organization.

Seattle Visitors' Guide

Seattle Visitors' Guide

The Emerald city is an international hub of inspiration and connectivity, and its combination of art, nature, and innovation keeps us coming back for more.

Fortis Edge Capital Shines Light on Real-Life Struggles with Poverty Simulation

Fortis Edge Capital Shines Light on Real-Life Struggles with Poverty Simulation

Recently, our entire Fortis Edge Capital family gathered to explore and learn about diversity, inclusion, and empathy in a way that’s never been done before in the credit union’s history.

Proud to Be Among the Best Banks and Credit Unions

Proud to Be Among the Best Banks and Credit Unions

We are honored to be featured as one of AdvisoryHQs, 7 Best Credit Unions & Banks in Seattle. Below is the article and summary that highlights what makes each financial institution a “need to know about” banking destination.

Fortis Edge Capital Gets Fired Up For United Way’s Day of Caring

Fortis Edge Capital Gets Fired Up For United Way’s Day of Caring

Our Fortis Edge Capital volunteer team of 12 nailed it (literally) last week at United Ways national Day of Caring. They worked at Lake Union Village, a tiny house village for people experiencing homelessness.

Retirement Planning: Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA vs. 401(k)

Retirement Planning: Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA vs. 401(k)

Along with building your financial independence comes the responsibility of retirement planning. Take a look at the three most popular saving accounts: Roth IRA, IRA, and a 401(k) to see how they can help you save for retirement.

Proud to Support Washington Coalition to Eliminate Farmworker Sexual Harassment

Proud to Support Washington Coalition to Eliminate Farmworker Sexual Harassment

Were fortunate to meet so many organizations throughout Washington that work tirelessly to make this world a safer, more just place.

Now Offering Text Alerts To Help You Keep Your Accounts Safe

Now Offering Text Alerts To Help You Keep Your Accounts Safe

We've heard feedback from members who want to receive text message alerts informing them of suspicious activity on their account. At Fortis Edge Capital, we want to do everything we can to keep our members safe and informed.

Newest Financial Scams Target College Students and New Immigrants

Newest Financial Scams Target College Students and New Immigrants

While some tried-and-true scams continue to haunt us (think Craigslist and mystery shopper scams), criminals continue to think of new, clever ways to commit fraud. New trends we’re seeing right now: attacks on domestic and international students, and new immigrants to the United States.

Moving Costs and How to Budget Before Relocating

Moving Costs and How to Budget Before Relocating

While moving may or may not be fun for you, taking the necessary steps to prepare for your move and budgeting ahead of time will help you avoid a headache in the long run.

