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Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files board application seattle credit union pdf".

How do I create an alert?

When you create an alert, it takes effect immediately and stays in effect until you disable or delete it.

Read more about How do I create an alert?

How do I choose a strong password?

A strong password helps you protect your account. To create a strong password, keep in mind the following guidelines.

Read more about How do I choose a strong password?

How do I create a secure message?

You can create a secure message in online banking or the mobile banking app.

Read more about How do I create a secure message?

What does it cost to open a business account?

Upon opening your business account, there is a minimum deposit of $5.00 that is necessary to guarantee your business' membership.

Read more about What does it cost to open a business account?

How much can I contribute to my Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?

You may be able to contribute up to $5,000 if you are under the age of 50; and $6,000 if you are 50 years of age or older.

Read more about How much can I contribute to my Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?

How can I check my balances?

There are two ways to check your balance. You can check your balance 24 hours a day through our automated teller and through Online Banking.

Read more about How can I check my balances?

What is the Bankworks program?

BankWorks (Stylized BankWork$) is a financial industry job training program administered by the Washington State YWCA.

Read more about What is the Bankworks program?

What is escrow?

In many cases the lender who holds your mortgage loan will be responsible for making sure that your property taxes and property insurance premiums are paid in a timely fashion. To do that, your lender will collect a certain amount above your designated monthly principal and interest payments and hold it in an account, called an escrow account.

Read more about What is escrow?

