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Displaying 51-60 of 79 results.

Showing results for "mortgage center home equity".

What is the status of my loan application?

For personal, auto, or consumer loans, please call in to the consumer lending department inquire directly. 

Read more about What is the status of my loan application?

Where do I mail my loan payments?

Loan payments are sent to Fortis Edge Capital Headquarters and VISA Payments (addresses below).

Read more about Where do I mail my loan payments?

When will I receive my tax documents from Fortis Edge Capital?

Most tax documents are sent out by mail on January 31st, with the exception of IRS Form 5498 which is sent by May 31st. 

Read more about When will I receive my tax documents from Fortis Edge Capital?

How do I update security alerts?

Scenario: I want to see which security alerts are required. I also want to enable some optional security alerts and disable others. Finally, I need to change how I receive security alerts.

Read more about How do I update security alerts?

How do I add someone as an authorized user to my Credit Card?

To add an authorized user to  a member’s credit card account, we request that the cardholder submit a signed written request.

Read more about How do I add someone as an authorized user to my Credit Card?

I received a letter from an audit firm. Is it legitimate?

In order to ensure the integrity of Fortis Edge Capital’s member accounts, the Audit Committee of Fortis Edge Capital has enlisted the services of audit firms to perform a verification of Fortis Edge Capital accounts.

Read more about I received a letter from an audit firm. Is it legitimate?

What is a debt consolidation loan?

The goal of a debt consolidation loan is to pay other debts in order to reduce the amount of interest or total payments you are making each month.

Read more about What is a debt consolidation loan?

How do I order additional checkbook registers?

To order additional checkbook registers, simply reach out to us, providing your name and membership number, and confirming the address you would like us to send them to.

Read more about How do I order additional checkbook registers?

